100 Days of…?

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you’ve seen a number of your friends, peers, or family attempt a 100-day challenge. Some folks are good at it and others start strong and then…disappear? I got curious today about where these are all coming from and found through my 2-minute exhaustive Google search that there is a website that claims* to have begun the 100-day phenomena.
I’ve seen 100 days of photography, gratitude, smiles, breakfast/lunch/dinner, gym/workout, diet, service, meditation, step counts, and blah blah blah. I myself joined a 100-day book program (program, not challenge Y’all). If that had been a challenge, I’m not sure if I won or failed at it because I did finish a book…but I did it in 80 days and thus skipped did not participate in a fifth of the program.
Perusing the 100 days of X claimant’s site, the #100DaysofWriting hashtag caught my eye. Following the hashtag, I found people were using the challenge to create new content, blog or journal, or … edit existing works. Since editing is something I’m currently working on it kind of follows that I challenge myself to work on my book for a hundred days. The steps are easy; I declare my intention on Twitter, I do the work, and then tweet about my progress using the hashtag.
Committing to this challenge seems way more intimating than it was to commit to a pet, real estate, or my husband (the previous list was written in no particular order honey). But so what if I fail, right? Five days of editing is better than no days of editing or as Flight of the Conchords say, “Two minutes in heaven is better than one minute in heaven”. And, if at the end of three months and change my book is off to the beta readers, that’s a total win. So, it’s business time.
*I do not certify that the claimant of the website is, in fact, the creator of the challenge phenomena. By the way, just for fun, I looked to see if I could find 100 days of Procrastination. Guess what? That’s a thing. And you can practice by watching the video above. You’re welcome. #100DaysofProcrastination.
Have you attempted a 100-day challenge? How did you do?