Destination, Charlotte

I had the opportunity to travel to Charlotte, North Carolina and I jumped on it. With both feet. Besides, what’s more writerish than working bicoastal on a project?

“How much trouble,” I asked myself, “could I get into in a hotel room? I’ll have nothing to do other than read and edit my book.”

Done and done. Little did I know…

The first thing I packed in my suitcase was my book. I also packed my copy of Shawn Coyne’s book The Story Grid: What Good Editors Know to read on the plane. And a whole bunch of Post-its and Post-it Flags. And pens, a stand to put my papers on, rubber bands, and other such writing-related detritus. Upon reaching my hotel room, the first thing I did was set up my desk. Not so I could get started that night, of course, it was already well into the evening. I was determined to start working first thing in the morning. Probably after breakfast.

Right after breakfast, I realized that I was going to need tea. The hotel supplied loads of black coffee as well as black and green teas, but nothing herbal, and Caffeine is not my friend after the noon hour. So I found a store within a mile and walked down for tea. And a tea mug. And some more Post-its (I used up what I had brought on the plane flagging the Story Grid). And wine. And other snacks.

By the time I got back to the hotel, I was armed. I was ready. So I sat on the very comfortable chaise that the hotel provided and stared at my computer. Then I finished the Story Grid. And then wondered what I should do for lunch.

Does this sound familiar?? It did to me too! I know, I know that my procrastination takes root from my anxieties but ye gods, my rational(ish) mind has absolutely no control over the monkey mind that would rather do anything, or everything, other than what I need it to do.

I will have you know that I did buckle down (after lunch) and I got to work editing. And I edited the next day too. And the next day. And most of the next, until the hotel’s Wi-Fi got knocked out. I even had the temerity to express my indignation to the front desk when their lack of access to the interwebs slowed my flow. On the plus side, the unscheduled break gave me a chance to explore the Queen City and I found a book statue!

I had to herd myself back to my work several times during my trip but I almost finished the entire second draft. There was a bit of a fiasco getting home (note to self: never attempt to fly through Chicago in early February) but I did it. Well, except for the last chapter where I had to add a few scenes I kinda skipped the first time around. I’m sure I would have gotten that done too if the Wi-Fi hadn’t hiccuped that last day. I’m sure of it. Really.

How do you corral your monkey mind?

Have an opinion? Tell me more!