How to Develop Your Story Idea

It’s October, and if you’re considering joining in the NaNoWriMo fun this year, it’s time to develop your story idea!

Assuming you’re not already brimming with ideas, here are ten ways to generate them.

But once you do land on an idea, how do you turn it into a novel-length story?

Develop Your Idea

Regardless of if a character, setting, or situation sparked your idea, ask yourself these four questions to flesh out your story.

1. Who?

To engage readers, you need a character they can care about. This doesn’t mean you need a “good” character, but they should be relatable.

So who is your character?

There are many ways to develop characters. For more on character development, click here.

2. What?

What does your character want? This question will inform your plot. Make sure your character wants something that won’t be easy to attain.

While you’re thinking about what they want, also consider what is preventing them from achieving their goals. For more on goals and motivations, click here.

3. Why?

Why does your character want what they don’t have? Asking yourself this question should help you find the stakes of your idea.

4. Where?

The where (or when) of your story is your setting. While we often consign world building to the fantasy and science fiction genres, all stories have a setting. Bonus points if you choose a time or place for your story that makes it harder for your character to achieve their goal. For more on world building, click here.

Keep Digging

Once you’ve answered each of the questions above, dig in farther. You can brainstorm, fill in worksheets, sketch potential scenarios, and even investigate story structure.

The more you know about your character, their goals, why achieving their goals matter, and where (or when) your story takes place, the stronger your idea will get!

How do you develop your story ideas?

Header Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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