When Between Writing Projects

Right now, I’m between writing projects. My editor has Charcoal and Smoke, and while I could continue drafting Ink and Waves, I don’t enjoy juggling multiple projects.

If, like me, you’re between writing projects, here are ten productive writing-related activities to fill your time.

Ten Activities For When You’re Between Writing Projects

1. Read

My reading slows down while I’m deep in a writing project, so as soon as I have downtime, I try to revamp my reading habit, and make a dent in the towering stacks of books (literal and figurative!) waiting for me.

2. Write Book Reviews

Downtime is also the perfect time to catch up on writing reviews for the books you’ve read. Remember, you can write quick reviews, which will really help the authors of the books you read.

3. Take (or finish!) Writing Courses

I love learning. It’s my #2 CliftonStrength and I’m not sure I’ve seen a writing course that hasn’t tempted me. Especially when there is a time-based discount.

One of the best things about self-paced web-based courses is you can take them anytime. One of the worst things about self-paced web-based courses is you can take them anytime. This means I’ve bought many writing courses I haven’t started.

4. Build or Revamp Your Author Website

If you don’t have a website, you need one. The time between writing projects is a terrific time to work on building your author website.

And if you have a website, maybe it needs a bit of freshening up.

5. Think About New Projects

I have several writing projects that have been simmering on the back burners of my mind. When I have downtime, I find it useful to think about which of them I’m most excited to start, and why. The why is especially important since I only work on one at a time.

6. Admin and Accounting

If you’re between writing projects, use some of your time to get your admin tasks done.

One of the admin tasks I let slide while working on a project is my accounting. It’s not hard to get my spreadsheets caught up, but it takes time to gather my receipts and invoices, categorize them, and make sure my totals are ready to hand over to my CPA.

7. Catch Up on… everything

Because I have a full-time job, I struggle to find time to fit everything in. I prioritize my writing, but that means I push off important tasks, and even activities I enjoy. The time between writing projects is a terrific opportunity to catch up. I clean my house, restock my pantry, and tackle home improvements or repairs. I also catch up on podcasts, open mail, and refocus on my health.

8. Freewrite

When was the last time you wrote for fun? Use your time between writing projects to practice writing with your senses or journal. You could write a short story to send to your newsletter subscribers, or play with creative writing prompts.

9. Review Your Writing Goals

If you plan out your writing year, the time between writing projects is the perfect moment to review, or revise, your goals.

10. Socialize

How long has it been since you’ve seen your family and friends? Maybe it’s time to dust the cobwebs off your phone (see #7 above) and make a date. If you’re looking for new people, go to a con, attend a lecture, or join a book club.

Downtime Never Lasts

No matter how you choose to spend your time between writing projects, remember, every moment is precious! So, instead of spending weeks binging television and movies in a couch coma, make sure you do a few things to help you prepare for your next writing project.

How do you spend your time when between writing projects?

Header Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

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