A Writing Pep Talk

Image description a notebook filled with writing to be used in a pep talk

Today we are exactly 1/3 of the way through National Novel Writing Month. If you are a numbers person, you know that means your word count should be somewhere north of 16,000 words.

But what if your word count (like mine) is nowhere near what should be?

What if your NaNoWriMo word count is—gasp, choke, cringe—zero?

The good news? You still have 2/3 of the month left.

The bad news? We still have 2/3 of the month left.

Listen, we all have our reasons for writing… and for not writing. But before you run through the litany of reasons why your progress has stuttered, know this.

Life happens to everyone, including writers.

So, no more excuses. It’s time to metaphorically roll up your sleeves, give your imagination a pep talk, crack your knuckles, and begin slinging those nouns and verbs.




Header photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

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