FirstLastTitle Charlie JaneAndersNever Say You Can’t Survive C.J.ArcherThe Librarian of Crooked Lane OliviaAtwaterSmall Miracles RoryAugustThe Last Gifts of the Universe TravisBaldreeBookshops & Bonedust LeighBardugoThe Familiar StephenBaxterThe Long Earth Peter S.BeagleI’m Afraid You’ve Got Dragons MelissaBobeElectric Trees PaulaBrackstonThe Haunting of Hecate Cavendish SarahBransonA Merry Life GailCarrigerPrudence GailCarrigerThe Heroine's Journey ElizaChanFathomfolk YangszeChooThe Fox Wife SusannaClarkeJonathan Strange & Mr Norrell LisaCronStory Genius JeanineCumminsAmerican Dirt Charlesde LintThe Onion Girl RobertDinsdaleThe Toymakers Meghan CianaDoidgeCupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic MaigaDoocySorcery and Small Magics M.L.DunkerA Gift of the Stars Sarah BethDurstThe Spellshop MichaelEndeThe Neverending Story HeatherFawcettEmily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries JasperFfordeThe Eyre Affair NeilGaimanGood Omens BonnieGarmusLessons in Chemistry ElizabethGilbertBig Magic JaniceHardyUnderstanding Conflict Alix E.HarrowStarling House Alix E.HarrowThe Ten Thousand Doors of January FrankHerbertDune Charlie N.HolmbergKeeper of Enchanted Rooms JamieJacksonThe Sparrow and the Oak Tree Diana WynneJonesHowl’s Moving Castle MargaretKilljoyThe Sapling Cage TKingfisherA Sorceress Comes to Call TJKluneIn the Lives of Puppets TJKluneSomewhere Beyond the Sea StephenLawheadThe Skin Map MarkLawrenceThe Book That Broke the World MarkLawrenceThe Book That Wouldn’t Burn JulieLeongThe Teller of Small Fortunes RoselleLimNatalie Tan’s Book of Luck & Fortune AshtonMacaulayWhiteout Laura J.MayoHow to Summon a Fairy Godmother KiyashMonsefOnce There Was EvaMoonPinocchio’s Guide to the End of the World BreeMooreThe Quill and the Vial GennaRoseNethercottThistlefoot TessonjaOdetteA Rivalry of Hearts MaggieO’FarrellHamnet LeslyePenelopeDaughter of the Merciful Deep TerryPratchettGood Omens TerryPratchettThe Long Earth TerryPratchettThe Color of Magic S.L.RowlandCursed Cocktails CaitlinRozakisDreadful DianeSetterfieldThe Thirteenth Tale Jamie LeeSognSalthouse Place E.P.StavsR.I.P. Viola Winkle PatrickSwensonRain Music RebeccaThorneCan’t Spell Treason Without Tea RachelVincentMenagerie HeatherWebberA Certain Kind of Starlight HeatherWebberAt the Coffee Shop of Curiosities HeatherWebberMidnight at the Blackbird Cafe EvieWoodsThe Lost Bookshop RitaWoodsThe Last Dreamwalker DavidWroblewskiFamiliaris AdrienneYoungSpells for Forgetting Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window)MoreClick to share on Pocket (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...